21:04, 14.241, K9KL, Wisconsin QSO Party.
21:16, 28.350, Sierra Nevada ARS weekly net
12m lots of noise, no activity heard
15m, lots of noise, no activity heard
20m, very active
22:00, 14.2285, pileup (can't hear calling station)
22:03, 14.245, W9AV, Wisconsin QSO party, strong signal, 5/9
22:08, 14.260, N9EZF,Wisconsin QSO party, weak signal, 3/3 (I was his first Miss. contact)
22:14, 14.276, KC9QYP, Wisconsin QSO party, 5/7
(Wisconsin stations are generally hearing me as 5/9)
22:18, 14.290, strong Spanish station, Spanish ragchew, I think
22:21, 14.310, Wisconsin QSO party, lots of QRM, I was still 5/9
22:25, 14.300, Maritime Mobile Net
17m, some activity
22:27, 18.137, Martinique Island, FM5DN, 5/5 Signal