Magnolia Awards Program


Magnolia Amateur Radio Club (MARC) Awards Program

Feb. 23, 2020

In an effort to increase individual participation in Magnolia ARC activities and amateur radio activities in general , the MARC will establish and maintain the following awards for individuals commitment to local amateur radio. The Magnolia ARC Awards Administrator will verify that the standards have been met when an application is presented, and make sure the awards are presented at an appropriate amateur radio assembly. The first three awards are: Amateur Radio Specialist Degree, Amateur Radio Master’s Degree, and Amateur Radio Doctor of Philosophy. The “four area radio clubs” referenced below are the Magnolia ARC, the Lowndes Co. ARC, the Houston ARC, and the MSU ARC (W5YD). All references to “club” in the standards means one of these four clubs.

The standards are as follows:


1. Hold a valid Technician (or higher) FCC license.

2. Be a member of one of the four area radio clubs

3. Complete six of the following ten accomplishments during the calendar year:


  1. Attend at least four scheduled club events.
  2. Help another ham build or install an antenna (be physically involved, just consulting does not qualify). Provide the call sign of the other ham, the date, and a description of the antenna and what you did to help.
  3. Have a meal with another club member. Provide an “eyeball QSO” card to confirm the meal. Make sure it is dated, and where the meal was enjoyed.
  4. Check in on one of the club 2M nets at least 13 times.
  5. Attend a community event as a representative of a club.
  6. Serve as Net Control on a club net.
  7. Invite another ham (a club non-member) to attend a club meeting.
  8. Receive at least four QSL cards from club members.
  9. Attend a hamfest. Provide the hamfest name badge with your call sign.
  10. Pass 3 pieces of traffic initiating from a local net



1. Hold a General class (or higher) FCC license.

2. Be a member of one of the four area radio clubs.

3. Hold a specialist award

4. Complete a sky warn or an EOC training class and participate in a emergency training event.

5. Complete 7 of the following:


  1. Attend at least six scheduled club events.
  2. Help another ham build or assemble an electronic device such as a kit, CW filter kit, radio receiver, raspberry pi device, etc. Anything radio or computer related; (You must be physically involved, just consulting does not qualify). Provide the call sign of the other ham, the date, and a description of the project and what you did to help.
  3. Have a meal with another club member. Provide an “eyeball QSO” card to confirm the meal. Make sure it is dated, and where the meal was enjoyed.
  4. Check in on one of the club 2M nets at least 13 times. e.
  5. Attend a community event as a representative of a club.
  6. Serve as Net Control for a club net.
  7. Invite another (a club non-member) to attend a club meeting.
  8. Pass 10 pieces of traffic on a local net.
  9. Receive at least 10 QSL cards from hams other than club members.
  10. Attend a hamfest. Provide the hamfest name badge with your call sign.



1. Hold an Extra class FCC license.

2. Be a member of one of the four area radio clubs for 4 or more years.

3. Complete 10 of the following ten accomplishments:


  1. Hold a W.A.S. Award
  2. Hold a worked all continents award
  3. Hold worked 100 DXCC
  4. Attend community events as a representative of a club.
  5. Perform programs to or for the club
  6. Mentor a new ham
  7. Hold a club office position in the last five years
  8. Become a VE
  9. Promote the club in a public way
  10. Hold Masters Award.



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